How can you help? Please consider contributing to our Endowments. Details about each of our two endowments are provided below.
The West Valley Native American Cultural Endowment
The West Valley Native American Cultural Endowment's purpose is to provide funding to support the Powwow and many other Native American cultural events at West Valley College.
All contributions are tax-deductible*, and can be made by individuals, businesses or organizations.
To Contribute
Please send a check in any amount to:
West Valley Native American Cultural Endowment
Foundation Advancement Office
West Valley College
14000 Fruitvale Avenue
Saratoga, CA 95070
Make your check payable to:
West Valley Native American Cultural Endowment
Important: Please write 'Cultural Endowment ' in the memo field of your check, to ensure it is credited appropriately.
* 501(c)3 ID# 77-0396330
Donald M. Johnson Native American Scholarship Endowment
Donald M. Johnson Native American Scholarship Endowment's purpose is to provide a reliable funding source, so we can extend and fund scholarships to Native American students for years to come.
All contributions are tax-deductible, and can be made by individuals, businesses or organizations. With your help we can continue to give deserving students the support they need to reach their dreams. For your help, we will honor you in our annual program. Here are some suggested contributions, but any amount is appreciated:
Benefactor: $1,000
Special mention, and 1/2 page ad/announcement in annual program.
6 month banner ad on web site.Patron: $500
Special mention, and 1/4 page ad/announcement in annual program.
3 month banner ad on web site.Supporter: $250
Special mention, and business card ad in annual program.
1 month banner ad on web site.Contributor: $100
Special mention in annual program.
To Contribute
Please send a check in any amount to:
Donald M. Johnson Native American Scholarship Endowment
Foundation Advancement Office
West Valley College
14000 Fruitvale Avenue
Saratoga, CA 95070
Make your check payable to:
Donald M. Johnson Native American Scholarship Endowment
Important: Please write ' Scholarship Endowment ' in the memo field of your check, to ensure it is credited appropriately.
For more information
If you have any questions, or would like more information about the Endowments, please contact:
Michelle Reed
(408) 741-4029